
We started off by drawing a diagnal line across our paper to split it up into two pieced. Then we were to draw a sun on one side and a moon on the other. Our next step was to create patterns using lines. We were shown many examples and even got to practice our drawing before drawing it on the big paper. After we were done with our drawing we traced everything in sharpie and were required to use three different colors. Keeping warm and cool colors seperate.

Extension Activity:

Rather than giving them a template to follow you could incorperate a story/ symbol into the art. Pair this activity with a writing assignment of an autobiography. On one side they have to tell about themsleves when they were young and on the other side tell about themselves now. Using lines and seperating warm and cool colors to follow the original artworks guidlines. You could teach them how to incorperate picture into the lines like in the following link.

