Watercolor Paint


We started off by being guided through six different techniques that we will use in our final project. Kade and Bryce led us through each water color technique, describing the wetness of our brush, the amoutn of paint, etc. We then finished that and put it to the side to read a story about a boy who liked to paint how music sounded. It was book that challenged painting standards and introduced abstract art. After finishing the story we got another piece of paper that was sectioned into four different squares. We played and painted four very different songs. After playing and painting the songs we discussed how each song made us feel and how we portreyed that onto the paper.

Extension Activity:
After going throught the above project the students could then choose a song of their liking and try to paint how it makes them feel. They could then write about how the song makes them feel and why they chose the specific techniques they did to portrey that feeling.
