Foot Print


    The foot print project was a art project geared towards you! To use three different mediums, all while explaining who you are with pictures, drawings, symbols, etc. This was a great way to share who I am through different mediums of art. 
    My first medium was pictures. I chose to show pictures of my family, friends, and track. I chose to include these pictures in my foot print because my friends and family take up a huge part of my life. I also included a picture of me running track because I am very passionate about Track and Field.  My second medium was marker. I chose to draw a mountain because I am from Washington and we have tons of mountains. Mountains just reperesented home to me. My third medium was crayon, which I chose to draw a sun, moon, and trees. Back home I am surrounded by trees. So, it just seemed fitting to include that in my foot print. Next, I chose to draw a sun and moon which I feel represents my parents to me. I am an only child so my parents are my bestfriends and it seemed necessry to include.

Extension Activity:

    An extension activity to include could be a classroom trail of foot prints. This is where the teacher and students would work together to create a trail of footprint on the wall along the classroom. Once this is completed the students could do a gallary walk. While they are doing a gallary walk they could be required to write down three positive things about others footprints to share with the class.
